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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 25, Issue 4, pp. vi-1239

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p. vi

Validity of the Quasigeostrophic Model for Large-Scale Flow in the Atmosphere and Ocean

Alfred J. Bourgeois and J. Thomas Beale

pp. 1023-1068

Reaction and Diffusion at a Gas/Liquid Interface, II

Heikki Haario and Thomas I. Seidman

pp. 1069-1084

On a Nonlinear Parabolic Problem Arising in Some Models Related to Turbulent Flows

Jesus Ildefonso Diaz and Francois De Thelin

pp. 1085-1111

On a Globally Existing Solution to the Inviscid Burgers Equation with a Nonlocal Term

Kazuo Ito

pp. 1112-1121

A Variational Problem for Harmonic Functions in Ring-Shaped Domains with Partially Free Boundary

Andrea Colesanti

pp. 1122-1127

The Thermistor Problem: Existence, Smoothness Uniqueness, Blowup

S. N. Antontsev and M. Chipot

pp. 1128-1156

Existence and Uniqueness of the $C^\alpha $ Solution for the Thermistor Problem with Mixed Boundary Value

Guangwei Yuan and Zuhan Liu

pp. 1157-1166

The Qualitative Analysis of a Dynamical System Modeling the Formation of Multilayer Scales on Pure Metals

H. C. Akuezue, R. L. Baker, and M. W. Hirsch

pp. 1167-1175

Splay-Phase Orbits for Equivariant Flows on Tori

Renato E. Mirollo

pp. 1176-1180

A Velocity Functional for an Analysis of Stability in Delay-Differential Equations

James Louisell

pp. 1181-1194

Stable Inhomogeneous Iterations of Nonlinear Positive Operators on Banach Spaces

Takao Fujimoto and Ulrich Krause

pp. 1195-1202

Canonical Forms of Differential Equations Free from Accessory Parameters

Yoshishige Haraoka

pp. 1203-1226

On Monotone Spline Approximation

X. M. Yu and S. P. Zhou

pp. 1227-1239